
On January 2012 the technical partners delivered the Prototype I of the Brindisys system which provides applications for face to face communication and environmental control.

On February 2012 the first round of experimentation with end users started in order to collect feedback about the system features.

The system is accessible both by classical input devices such as mouse, touch screen, joystick etc and with a simple Brain Computer Interface.

On October 2012 the experimentation is still going on and it is involving end users, caregivers and stakeholders, while technical partners are working on the final prototype of the Brindisys system. In fact they are developing new features and are improving the existing ones relying on the feedback about the Prototype I that was provided by users who attended the experimentation.

On January 2013 the technical partners delivered the final Prototype for final experimentation round at patients' homes. Final experimentation ended on May 2013.

Scientific publications

Full Papers

    • F. Schettini, A. Riccio, L. Simione, G. Liberati, M. Caruso, V. Frasca, B. Calabrese, M. Mecella, A. Pizzimenti, M. Inghilleri, D. Mattia, F. Cincotti. “Assistive Device With Conventional, Alternative, and Brain-Computer Interface Inputs to Enhance Interaction With the Environment for People With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: A Feasibility and Usability Study”. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 96, S46–S53. 2015 doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2014.05.027.(Full text)

    • G. Liberati, A. Pizzimenti, L. Simione, A. Riccio, F. Schettini, M. Inghilleri, D. Mattia, F. Cincotti. "Developing brain-computer interfaces from a user-centered perspective: Assessing the needs of persons with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, caregivers, and professionals" Applied Ergonomics 50, 139–146. 2015. doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2015.03.012. (Full text)

    • F. Schettini, F. Aloise, P.Aricò, S. Salinari, D. Mattia, F. Cincotti “Self-calibration algorithm in an asynchronous P300-based brain computer interface” J Neural Eng 11, 035004. doi:10.1088/1741-2560/11/3/035004 (Full text)

    • A. Riccio, L. Simione, F. Schettini, A. Pizzimenti, M. Inghilleri, M. O. Belardinelli, D. Mattia, e F. Cincotti, "Attention and P300-based BCI performance in people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis", Front. Hum. Neurosci., vol. 7:, pag. 732, 2013 (Full text)

    • F. Aloise, F. Schettini, P. Aricò, S. Salinari, F. Babiloni, and F. Cincotti, “A comparison of classification techniques for a gaze-independent P300-based brain-computer interface,” J Neural Eng, vol. 9, no. 4, p. 045012, Aug. 2012. (Full text)

    • F. Aloise, P. Aricò, F. Schettini, S. Salinari, D. Mattia, and F. Cincotti, “Asynchronous gaze-independent event-related potential-based brain–computer interface,” Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, vol. 59, no. 2, pp. 61–69, Oct. 2013. (Full text)

    • A. Riccio, D. Mattia, L. Simione, M. Olivetti, and F. Cincotti, “Eye-gaze independent EEG-based brain-computer interfaces for communication”, J Neural Eng, vol. 9, no. 4, p. 045001, Aug. 2012. (Full text)

    • F. Aloise, P. Aricò, F. Schettini, A. Riccio, S. Salinari, D. Mattia, F. Babiloni, F. Cincotti. “A Covert Attention P300-based Brain Computer Interface: GeoSpell”. Ergonomics, vol. 55, n°. 5, pp. 538–551, May 2012; doi: 10.1080/00140139.2012.661084 (Full text)

Conference proceedings

    • F. Schettini, A. Riccio, M. Caruso, M. Mecella, D. Mattia, F. Cincotti. “P300-based BCI to drive an assistive device: Usability evaluation with Stakeholders”. 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2014 “The Future of Brain-Computer Interaction: Basics, Shortcomings, Users” September 16-19 2014, Graz University of Technology, Austria.

    • A. Riccio, L. Simione, F. Schettini, A. Pizzimenti, M. Inghilleri, M. Olivetti Belardinelli, D. Mattia, F. Cincotti. “Attention and working memory influence on P300-based BCI performance in people with amyotrophiclateral sclerosis”. 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2014 “The Future of Brain-Computer Interaction: Basics, Shortcomings, Users” September 16-19 2014, Graz University of Technology, Austria

    • P. Aricò, F. Aloise, F. Schettini, S. Salinari, D. Mattia and F. Cincotti. “Influence of P300 latency jitter over (c)overt attention BCIs”. 6th International Brain-Computer Interface Conference 2014 “The Future of Brain-Computer Interaction: Basics, Shortcomings, Users” September 16-19 2014, Graz University of Technology, Austria

    • F. Schettini, F. Aloise, P. Aricò, S. Salinari, D. Mattia, F. Cincotti. “Unsupervised Self-Calibration in P300-based Brain Computer Interface” GNB2014, June 25th-27th 2014, Pavia, Italy

    • A. Riccio, L. Simione, F. Schettini, A. Pizzimenti, M. Inghilleri, M. Olivetti, D. Mattia, F. Cincotti. “Brain Computer interface and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: attention and P300-based BCI performance”. 18th Conference of the European Society for Cognitive Psychology. Budapest, Hungary, 29th August -1st September, 2013.

    • F. Schettini, A. Riccio, L. Simione, G. Liberati, M. Caruso, B. Calabrese, N. Ielpo, A. Palumbo, V. Frasca, M. Mecella, F. Amato, A. Pizzimenti, M. Inghilleri, D. Mattia and F. Cincotti.“From touch to brain control: augmenting communication in persons with ALS”. 12th European AAATE Conference. Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal; 19-22 September 2013.

    • F. Schettini, A. Riccio, L. Simione, G. Liberati, M. Caruso, B. Calabrese, N. Ielpo, A. Palumbo, V. Frasca, M. Mecella, F. Amato, A. Pizzimenti, M. Inghilleri, D. Mattia and F. Cincotti. “The Brindisys project: Brain Computer Interfaces as assistive technology for people with ALS”. BCI Meeting 2013 Fifth International Meeting Asilomar, California June 3-7, 2013 - DOI:10.3217/978-3-85125-260-6-186

    • F. Schettini, F. Aloise, P. Aricò, S. Salinari, D. Mattia, F. Cincotti. “Self-Calibration in an asynchronous P300-based BCI”. BCI Meeting 2013 Fifth International Meeting Asilomar, California June 3-7, 2013. DOI: 10.3217/978-3-85125-260-6-124

    • M. Caruso, F. Cincotti, F. Leotta, M. Mecella, A. Riccio, F. Schettini, L. Simione, e T. Catarci, “My-World-in-My-Tablet: An Architecture for People with Physical Impairment”, in Human-Computer Interaction. Interaction Modalities and Techniques, vol. 8007, M. Kurosu, A c. di Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013, pagg. 637–647..

    • A. Riccio, L. Simione, F. Schettini , A. Pizzimenti, M. Inghilleri, M. Olivetti, D. Mattia, F. Cincotti, "Attention and P300-based BCI performance in people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis", Proceedings of TOBI Workshop IV, Practical Brain-Computer Interfaces for End -Users:Progress and Challenges; Sion, Switzerland, January 23-25, 2013

    • P. Aricò, F. Aloise, F. Schettini, S. Salinari, Donatella Mattia, Febo Cincotti. “Evaluation of the Latency Jitter of P300 Evoked Potentials during C(o)vert Attention BCI”. 4rd Workshop of the TOBI Project: Practical Brain-Computer Interfaces for End-Users: Progress and Challenges. Sion, Switzerland, January 23-25, 2013.

    • F. Schettini, A. Riccio, L. Simione, G. Liberati, M. Caruso, B. Calabrese, N. Ielpo, A. Palumbo, V. Frasca, M. Mecella, F. Amato, A. Pizzimenti, M. Inghilleri, and F. Cincotti. " The Brindisys Project: Brain-computer interface devices to support individual autonomy in locked-in individuals". 3° Convegno Arisla: Nuove Prospettive di ricerca per un futuro senza SLA. Milano, Italia, 24 ottobre 2012

    • G. De Giacomo, C. Di Ciccio, P. Felli, Y. Hu, M. Mecella. “Goal-based Composition of Stateful Services for Smart Homes”. Proc. of CoopIS 2012.

    • M. Caruso, F. Cincotti, F. Leotta, M. Mecella. “ My-World-in-My-Tablet: an Architecture for People with Physical Impairment”. Sapienza Università di Roma, DIAG, technical report, october 2012

    • F. Schettini, F. Aloise, P. Aricò, S. Salinari, D. Mattia and F. Cincotti. "Control or No-Control? Reducing the gap between Brain-Computer Interface and classical input devices". EMBC 2012, 28th August 1st September, 2012, San Diego, USA

    • F. Schettini, F. Aloise, M. Mecella, M. Caruso, A. Palumbo, A. Pizzimenti, M. Inghilleri and F. Cincotti. “From Keyboard to Brain Computer Interface: the Brindisys Project”. GNB2012, June 26th-29th 2012, Rome, Italy. ISBN: 978 88 555 3182-5.

    • F. Schettini, F. Aloise, P. Aricò, S. Salinari, D. Mattia, F. Cincotti. “Improving Communication Efficiency for gaze independent P300 based Brain Computer Interface”. GNB2012, June 26th-29th 2012, Rome, Italy. ISBN: 978 88 555 3182-5.

    • P. Aricò, F. Aloise, F. Schettini, S. Salinari, D. Mattia, F. Cincotti. “On the correlation between Brain Computer Interface performance and Chronotype" GNB2012, June 26th-29th 2012, Rome, Italy. ISBN: 978 88 555 3182-5.

    • F. Schettini, F. Aloise, P. Aricò, J. Taborri, S. Salinari, D. Mattia, F. Cincotti. “Asynchronous Control for a gaze independent P300 based BCI”. 3rd Workshop of the TOBI Project: Bringing BCIs to End-Users: Facing the Challenge, Evaluation, User Perspectives, User Needs, and Ethical Questions. Würzburg, Germany Mar 20th-22th, 2012.

    • P. Aricò, F. Aloise, F. Schettini, V. Soragnese, S. Salinari, D. Mattia, F. Cincotti. “Variability of P300-based Brain Computer Interface performance across Repeated Sessions in a Day”. 3rd Workshop of the TOBI Project: Bringing BCIs to End-Users: Facing the Challenge, Evaluation, User Perspectives, User Needs, and Ethical Questions. Würzburg, Germany Mar 20th-22th, 2012.